CURRENT EXPIRY: 31/08/2024
This medicine contains Adrenaline 150microgram/0.3mL and is a Pharmacist Medicine in NZ, therefore if you can please provide us with the required information to check this medicine is right for you.
Epipen Contains Adrenaline for anaphylaxis
If you have the following medical conditions, this medicine may not be suitable and you should check with your doctor first: ischaemic heart disease; severe angina; obstructive cardiomyopathy; hypertension; arrhythmias; cerebrovascular disease; occlusive vascular disease; arteriosclerosis; monitor blood pressure and ECG; cor pulmonale; organic brain damage; psychoneurosis; hyperreflexia; diabetes mellitus; hyperthyroidism; phaeochromocytoma; prostate disorders; hypokalaemia; hypercalcaemia; susceptibility to angle-closure glaucoma; elderly; restricted in sport Side Effects may include:nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, anorexia, hypersalivation, arrhythmias, tachycardia, angina, myocardial infarction, pallor, palpitation, cold extremities, hypertension (risk of cerebral haemorrhage), dyspnoea, pulmonary oedema (on excessive dosage or extreme sensitivity), anxiety, tremor, restlessness, headache, insomnia, confusion, weakness, dizziness, psychosis, hyperglycaemia, urinary retention, difficulty in micturition, metabolic acidosis, hypokalaemia, tissue necrosis (at injection site and of extremities, bowel, liver and kidneys), mydriasis, angle-closure glaucoma, sweating We supply all Epipens with the BEST EXPIRY possible in New Zealand as we order the Epipens directly from the supplier at the time of your order. For the current expiry date of the Epipen please visit the following website: